Radio Recap – 22 December 2024

“The house is looking lovely. Cath has got her own elf – that would be me – She loves Christmas and just tells me what to do. And, you know, being a good partner, I do it. All the presents are ready. There are lots of surprises. Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.”
Michael Ball, last Sunday on LOVE SONGS.
Welcome to Michael’s Christmas Show! This man is ready for Christmas. I try to imagine what Michael’s Christmas is like. What I wouldn’t give to see Michael running around his house getting things done for Kathy, maybe even wearing a merry elf’s cap, also slippers that curl up and over his toes, their bells jingling as he moves, a mischievous grin on his dimpled face. Danny & Wilbur would probably shadow his every step, wanting to be Daddy’s helper. And then there’s Michael’s Christmas shopping, which he says he hasn’t finished yet. I can see him bundling up in a heavy overcoat, gloves & scarf and wading into the crowds at the specialty and department stores. Does he grumble as he elbows his way through the throngs with their shopping bags and wrapped packages? Possibly, but he presses on, almost finished. Maybe he hears a whispered “That’s Michael Ball,” urging him homeward where he’s greeted by Danny & Wilbur who act like he’s been gone for months. Is there anything better than the love of a dog?
“Hello, my lovelies. It’s our Christmas show!” Michael is SO excited – you can hear it in his voice. He plays Katy Perry’s ‘Cozy Little Christmas’. “Yeah,” he says afterwards. “Just you and me. Under a tree. Sounds perfect. Yes, my lovelies. Welcome to Love Songs With Michael Ball. And … yeah … it’s the one before Christmas. We’ve only got 3 more sleeps (exactly how a little boy would look at it!). I’m sat here in me Christmas jumper. I am roasting but that doesn’t matter. I’ll be cooking a roast in 3 days time. Everything’s ready. I’ve done all my shopping. I’ve still got my wrapping to do. I hope you’ve done yours. The Christmas cards have gone out.” He takes a deep breath. “Yeah. I’m looking forward to Christmas. I think we need it. And let’s make this a proper, proper Christmas. And we’re going to start here – well, I am anyway – with our Christmas Show. I’ve been planning it. It’s a Christmas feast to get us all in the festive mood.” After playing Robbie Williams ‘Forbidden Road,’ Michael talks about Robbie’s new bio-pic and says he hear’s it’s amazing and is on his list of things to see. He also pays a lovely tribute to Zoe Ball signing off on her last show for BBC Radio 2.
On the Love Line, Michael speaks with Liz about her special day. 43 years ago she married Nigel on what was the last white Christmas Eve they had in the UK. “What do you wear for a wedding on a snowy evening?” Michael asks. “A wedding gown!” she replies with a laugh. I believe she then said she was also wearing thermal underneath because Michael replied, “The wedding night must have been sexy with that on.” And he lets loose with his infamous giggle. Liz said it was love at first sight. Nigel was a swimmer with an athlete’s body, blond curls and a Tom Selleck-mustache. “Does he still have those features?” Michael asks. “No, but he’s still gorgeous to me.” Michael plays the perfect song for Liz & Nigel – ‘White Christmas.’
Reading some messages from listeners, the last one includes the family dogs in their sentiments (which are referred to as the woofs): Diesel, Rocky, Peanut and Baby Poppy. “I do love hearing different dogs’ names,” Michael says. “Why do you call them that? I’d love to know … Baby Poppy.” Changing the subject, he says, “Just like last week, I’m going to put my feet up and have a mince pie. Not feel an ounce of guilt or shame. Because I’m handing the show over to you again.” And we hear more lovely recorded messages …
Michael does what he does every year at Christmas: pays tribute to those who will be working over the holiday, who will be taking care of the community in the hospitals, fire houses, police stations, armed services, vets, delivery services, everyone in hospitality, those who work in the shelters … “Your kindness, your selflessness, your sacrifice, your devotion and, of course, your commitment to helping others is a shining light for all of us right now. You’re heroes. We all appreciate you, and you all deserve to celebrate Christmas in some way, shape or form. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of all of our hearts.” This is one of my favorite Christmas traditions that Michael does year after year. He never forgets!
Back on the Love Line, Michael speaks with Neil and Doreen who celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary on Boxing Day. Neil just turned 86, and Michael asks what his secret is? “I ride the bike every morning. We do Pilates once a week. And we volunteer a few days a week.” Michael is impressed but I’m not betting he’ll be riding a bike or doing Pilates anytime soon!
Turning to the Love Line again, Michael talks to Norma whose daughter Sarah is marrying Matthew tomorrow. Sarah met Matthew’s parents first – on a flight – who did a bit of matchmaking. Finally Matthew sent Sarah a ticket to come to Australia for a visit. These 2 now have a daughter, so you can see what a success story this is. And the wedding will be spectacular! Michael plays for them one of his favorite Christmas songs: Johnny Mathis ‘When A Child Is Born.’
As Michael lets us hear more incoming messages, he admits he’s indulging in another mince pie. Why not? Wish I had one!
Love Letters. For Michael’s favorite part of the show, he speaks with John who has written a letter for his “darling mum.” It’s her birthday (88th), and John says it always gets consumed into Christmas so he wants to do something special for her. He also says she’ll be flabbergasted that Michael is calling because he’s her ultimate hero. She even thinks her grandson looks like Michael, and she’s very proud of that fact. Michael places the call to John’s mum, Barbara. When she hears it’s him, she squeals with delight. “I can’t believe this! All my family are fed up with hearing about you.” Michael responds, “Why? Do you go on about me?” She answers, “I do. I’m having you at my funeral.” This sends Michael off into gales of laughter. “You’re going to sing ‘The Rose’,” she continues. When Michael composes himself again, he says, “I mean it’s a weird conversation but I’m incredibly honored. And I hope it won’t be for many, many, many years.” Michael says, “You have loads of time yet. I know you have a birthday coming up. Do you know how I know? Your son John is on the other line.” John says hello to his mum, who comes back with, “Well, get off so I can speak to Michael Ball.” How hilarious! Michael’s laughter rises, oh, that great giggle! “Barbara,” Michael explains, “he can’t get off. He’s written you a love letter.” Barbara softens. “He’s a good boy, my John.” As John reads his letter we can hear Barbara crying in the background. This whole conversation is magnificent – one of the best in the Love Letters segment EVER! Barbara closes the segment with saying to Michael, “I think you’re a good boy to your mother, too. You are, aren’t you?” Michael says, “I do my best, yeah. You’re salt of the earth, your generation. You are. You put us all to shame.” And in a show of respect for that generation, Michael plays Any Williams iconic ‘Moon River.’ Okay, yes, I need the tissues for this one.
In closing, Michael thanks “Santa Ball’s helpers, Ste Softley & Billy Draper. I couldn’t do it without them. Now, let’s keep an eye out for those who might be struggling at this time of the year, shall we? Check on your neighbors, especially the elderly, maybe take 5 minutes out to give them a call or pop around. Let’s not leave anybody out, especially if you know that somebody is going to be on their own at Christmas. It’s what Christmas is all about – sharing and looking out for people. So, in the words of Ella Fitzgerald, have yourself a merry little Christmas.” And he closes his first LOVE SONGS Christmas show with that heartwarming song.
I envision Michael diving into all the activities of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, the culmination being his cooking a sumptuous meal, accompanied by the perfect wines. The table would be tastefully decorated, and he’d be surrounded by family. Also Danny & Wilbur sitting at his feet, waiting for a dropped succulent morsel or two. Later, the couch would call, and Michael would relax, maybe with a Benedictine in hand, Danny & Wilbur snuggled against him. Would he indulge in the telly? Or would he simply enjoy the company of family and friends? You decide. No matter what, he’ll know that, once again, it’s been a magnificent Christmas.
Wishing Michael, his family, his beloved dogs and all of you peace, joy and all the blessings of this holiday season. A Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Song Track List: Spice Girls ‘2 Become 1’; Olivia Newton-John ‘Every Time It Snows’; Lily Allen ‘Somewhere Only We Know’; Andy Williams ‘Moon River’; Rianne Downey ‘Lost In Blue’; Frankie Goes To Hollywood ‘The Ppwer Of Love’; Gabriella Cilmi ‘Warm This Winter’; Johnny Mathis ‘When A Child Is Born’; Coldplay All My Love’; Freiheit ‘Keeping The Dream Alive’; Ellie Goulding ‘River’; Laufey ‘Christmas Magic’; Elvis Presley ‘I’ll Be Home For Christmas’; Tom Chaplin ‘Midnight Mass’; Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars ‘Die With A Smile’; Sam Smith ‘Stay With Me’; Little Mix ‘Love Me Like You’; Bing Crosby ‘White Christmas’; Robbie Williams ‘Forbidden Road’; Rod Stewart & Dolly Parton ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’; Katy Perry ‘Cozy Little Christmas’
©DeborahFezelle2024 This material is the exclusive property of Deborah Fezelle, Michael Ball & the MBFC