“As a performer, once you’ve understood the genre of musical theatre, you can tire very quickly of the two-dimensional stuff. Musicals allow a depth of emotion that you don’t get in another form of acting. I love doing characters that surprise people and showing what I am, which is an actor, first and foremost.” Michael Ball
Music is Michael’s voice. It’s how he speaks, who he is, what fills him up. But he’s also an actor, and musicals give him the opportunity to combine his 2 talents. To stand center stage, becoming someone else, singing a brilliant song that moves the story forward, that reveals what the character is feeling or thinking or seeing is impossible to describe. It’s pure raw emotion, and Michael Ball knows how to do it better than most. How many actors are capable of playing both Marius and Javert in LES MIS and make both legendary? Yes, music is the framework for Michael’s talent as an actor. And it’s what frames his voice on LOVE SONGS.
“Hello, my lovelies. Happy Sunday. Not long to go now.” And with that, Michael launches Gwen Stefani’s ‘You Make It Feel Like Christmas.’ “Christmas has arrived at our house,” Michael continues afterwards. “Oh,” he says with a grunt but with satisfaction. “All three trees are up.” Lowering his voice, he adds, “It’s a bit of a labor of love, I’ve got to be honest … That panicky moment when you stick in the lights and you think, please work because I can’t go through them all to look for the one bulb that’s blown. And lo and behold – There was light! Oh, it’s great. I am – I’m feeling Christmasy. I hope you are as well.” And then his voice becomes defiant. “The Christmas cake? Do you know I’ve blown it. I haven’t made one. I’m going to buy one. I don’t care.” He sounds like he’s at that point when he’s done all he can to make Christmas happen, and the cake just didn’t make it on the list, and that’s that. Adorable! Then, as he’s talking about what’s coming up on today’s show and reminding people to contact him with their stories and dedications, he throws this in: “Get in there now. Avoid the Christmas rush! Think of it as the …” and he starts to laugh … “the Black Friday of dedications. Get it in, while they’re going cheap!” Oh, Michael, you are such a character! And very clever. 

Michael turns to the Love Line and speaks with Cheryl about her ‘Special Day,’ her wedding day to Matt. When she tells Michael that as she walked down the aisle her dress knocked all the lanterns over – and the guests had to pick them up – Michael goes off on one of his giggle fits – He can’t stop laughing. When he finally gets control again he chokes out, “How big was the dress?” Cheryl responds, “I don’t know. I didn’t get a tape measure. It wasn’t that big in the shop.” Michael is still laughing hysterically. Cheryl sets Michael’s giggles off again when she describes their first dance: “I kept falling over my dress. He kept standing on it.” Michael says, “So this big romantic gesture is actually a comedy routine.” It’s been a long time since we’ve heard Michael’s infectious giggle, so this was such a delight!
Back on the Love Line, Michael speaks with David, who wants to right a wrong made many years ago. On his wedding day when it came time to give his speech, he promptly forgot it, so he made it up on the fly, thinking he did a pretty good job. But he learned that he neglected to tell his wife how beautiful she was that day. David says she’s reminded him almost every day since, which again gets Michael laughing. Michael calls Tina, his wife, and David finally gets the chance to make up for the mistake of so long ago. “What a lovely thing to do,” Michael says before playing ‘Have You Ever’ for them.
Again on the Love Line, Michael speaks with Phillip, who did something amazing for his wife Leslie. He booked the church on the same day, same time as when they got married 50 years ago. They renewed their vows, and it turned into a weekend party with the entire family present. Phillip says they’ve stayed young over the years by dancing. “I’m still fluid in the hips.” And this sends bawdy Michael on another round of laughter, adding, “Keep those hips fluid!”
Love Letters. Michael speaks with Jane, who’s in Spain with her “2 furballs,” rescue mountain dogs. “Aw,” Michael says at the mention of dogs, “You can’t go wrong with 2 dogs, can you?” Jane laughs. “They’re more like little horses!” Jane’s love letter is for her husband Nigel, who goes to the UK every Christmas to help deliver the mail. “That’s hard at this time of year,” Michael exclaims. Jane’s going over and will get to spend Christmas Eve through Boxing Day with him, however. Michael gives Nigel a call. Jane has warned Nigel that he’s going to get a call as a surprise for their anniversary. When Michael identifies himself, Nigel laughs, then says, “I’ll kill her.” Laughter all around. “You know who set you up, don’t you?” Michael asks. “I do.” Jane reads her beautiful letter, amid tears from all. “The pair of you,” Michael interjects, “are the soppiest, and it’s just lovely to be part of it. We need love. We really do. We need positivity and good stories, and you’ve shown us that in abundance.”
It’s another fabulous show, full of Michael’s beloved laughter, wonderful music and great conversation, with the spirit of Christmas weaving its way into the broadcast. And I particularly want to thank Michael for singling out that moment when you plug in the lights and send a plea to the gods of Christmas – that can’t be quoted on a public message board – that they all work. We’ve all been there!
It’s not just musicals where Michael’s talent as an actor shines. Every song he sings in a concert is a monologue, a story, and Michael embodies the lyrics. It’s why his songs are memorable. And he brings those same qualities to LOVE SONGS. He loves the music he selects and plays for his listeners, each song has a purpose, and he enhances the music by being himself – funny or heartwarming or informative. It’s a formula for great radio that gives Michael a chance to showcase another talent – his gift for the airwaves. And it all goes back to Michael’s lifetime of loving music. As the song that Michael sings so beautifully says, “To live without my music would be impossible to do. In this world of trouble, my music pulls me through.”
Song Track List: Leona Lewis ‘Bleeding Heart’; Billy Withers ‘Ain’t No Sunshine’; Maroon 5 ‘This Love’; The Beatles ‘Something’; Robbie Williams ‘Forbidden Road’; Michael Buble ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’; S Club ‘Have You Ever’; Carpenters ‘Close To You’; Coldplay ‘All My Love’; Lewis Capaldi ‘Someone You Loved’; McFadden & Whitehead ‘Ain’t No Stopping Us Now’; Frank Sinatra ‘I’ve Got My Love To Keep Me Warm’; Shania Twain ‘From This Moment On’; Laufy ‘Christmas Magic’; Sade ‘Smooth Operator’; Gwen Stefani ‘You Make It Feel Like Christmas’; Song of the Week: Terence Trent D’Arby ‘Sign Your Name’.